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Food Allergies and Intolerances

We are what we eat... simple as that... if we put a cup of water in the gas tank of our car every time we fill it up, it will eventually sputter and break down. Well the human body is infinitely more complex than a car engine and yet often we don't pay much attention to the fuel we provide it.

Reactions to foods in our diet can impact literally any condition in the body. All Digestive Tract issues can be related to these food reactions. (If we are going to react to something in our diets, the first logical place it will impact us is the digestive tract). 
Inflammatory reactions to foods in our diet can contribute to inflammatory reactions everywhere else in the body as well.

Muscle and joint issues, gland function (Thyroid, Ovaries, Pancreas, Liver, Adrenals, etc), Skin, Lungs, Urinary Tract, Neurological Disorders and literally any other body system.

The terms Food Allergy, Food Sensitivity and Food Intolerance are often used to generally describe any adverse reaction to something in ones diet. Patients and Health Professional often use these terms interchangeably and synonymously. These terms describe very different reactions to foods in the diet, and having a detailed and in depth understanding of the differences in these terms will determine how successful a patient is in deciphering these reactions and resolving their digestive and inflammatory issues.

The following links are to a series of blog articles explaining the differences in these terms, the differences between inflammatory and non inflammatory reactions to foods in a our diets, and how these reactions can lead to systemic inflammatory disorders in the body as well as chronic fatigue, anxiety, mood, sleep and other metabolic issues in the body.

Please read the following articles in the links below, in the order listed to gain a critical understanding of these different reactions to foods in our diets and how these reactions lead to tissue inflammation and break down, and subjective symptoms such as fatigue, mood, and sleep disorders.

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Information provided in this website is the opinion of Dr. Scott Woodworth and is in no way to be considered medical treatment.

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