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Scott Woodworth
Mar 30, 2022
Inflammation and Cancer, a New approach to Prevention, Management and Treatment.
There is a well established and researched connection between autoimmune disorders, chronic inflammation and the increased risk for...

Scott Woodworth
Feb 4, 2022
Food Allergy, Sensitivity or Intolerance? The differences are CRITICAL to know...
Understanding the differences in these reactions is CRITICAL in figuring out how your Diet is related to your Inflammatory and Digestive...

Scott Woodworth
Feb 4, 2022
Anxiety and Depression... Not just Psychological Disorders...
Your Psychology affects you Physiologically... AND your Physiology affects you Psychologically... Which came first... the chicken or the...

Scott Woodworth
Feb 4, 2022
Approach you Condition like a Puzzle...
Get ALL the puzzle pieces on the Table before you try and put it all together... Every health issue or concern is like a puzzle. Any one...

Scott Woodworth
Feb 4, 2022
Treat the Cause of your Condition, not the just Symptoms of it...
Treat the cause of your condition, not just the symptoms of it. Seems like a logical concept doesn't it. If you identify and treat the...

Scott Woodworth
Feb 4, 2022
Your Leaky Bucket... Why Supplements and Medicines often fail to help...
Imagine you try to water your flowers in your garden with a bucket with a large hole in the bottom of it. What happens when you try and...

Scott Woodworth
Feb 4, 2022
Food Allergies can Trigger Autoimmune Disease... and it's NOT Theoretical.
An allergy to Gluten can trigger Celiac Disease (a confirmed Autoimmune Disorder trigger by a Food Allergy) So why couldn't a different...

Scott Woodworth
Feb 4, 2022
Reflux, Heartburn and Hidden Food Allergies...
Reflux can actually be associated with too little Stomach Acid rather than too much... The Symptoms are caused because the Acid is going...

Scott Woodworth
Feb 4, 2022
Food Allergies are a PROTEIN issue...
In a previous article, I explained the differences between a food allergy and a food sensitivity or intolerance. Food allergies and...

Scott Woodworth
Jan 24, 2022
The Ideal Anti-inflammatory Diet is... not what you're expecting...
The Paleo Diet? The Alkaline Diet? The Blood Type Diet? AIP Diet? The Candida Diet? The Keto-genic Diet? The answer is...

Scott Woodworth
Jan 24, 2022
How Chronic Inflammation Causes Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Inflammation leads to a cascade of hormonal, metabolic and neurotransmitter burnout and imbalance states all associated with...

Scott Woodworth
Jan 24, 2022
Viral Immunity and your Diet... Understand the Critical Link.
One of the best ways to boost your Immune System, is to ensure it's not fighting things it doesn't need to fight... Like foods in your...
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